Prenatal Massage Therapy and Acupuncture

prenatal massage and acupuncture in calgary, alberta

Prenatal care plays a vital role in supporting the health and well-being of expectant mothers, and massage therapy and acupuncture can be valuable additions to comprehensive prenatal care plans. These therapies emphasize the importance of supporting and understanding an expecting mom throughout their unique journey. 

Massage Therapy during pregnancy offers physical and emotional benefits. It can help alleviate common discomforts such as back pain, swollen feet, and muscle tension. Our Registered Massage Therapists are trained in prenatal care, understand the changes occurring in a pregnant body and tailor their techniques to ensure the safety and comfort of the mother and baby. Additionally, the nurturing touch of a massage therapist provides emotional support, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation, which can have positive effects on both the mother and the developing baby.

Acupuncture is an excellent treatment for all stages of pregnancy. Dr. Robin specializes in prenatal acupuncture and has a deep understanding of the physiological and energetic changes that occur during pregnancy. By carefully selecting acupuncture points and using gentle techniques, she can help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, and musculoskeletal pain. Acupuncture also promotes relaxation and hormonal balance, which can enhance the overall well-being of the mother and support a healthy pregnancy.

Both massage therapy and acupuncture prioritize the unique needs and experiences of pregnant patients. Our therapists provide a safe and supportive environment where you can openly communicate your concerns, physical symptoms, and emotional well-being. This emphasis on understanding the patient allows us to customize each treatment according to your specific needs and provide you a personalized care plan!

Both Massage Therapy and Acupuncture are safe for all stages of pregnancy! The myth that expectant mothers’ cannot receive care in their first trimester is false - both treatments have not only been shown to be safe - but incredibly beneficial!  And you don’t have to select just one!  Our pregnant patients commonly choose to have a combination of both Acupuncture and Prenatal Massage Therapy treatments throughout their pregnancy, to keep them feeling good through the trimesters!

Extra bonus - we have special cushions at the clinic which means Mamma’s-to-be can lay on their stomachs! No more laying on your side and suffering from a sore shoulder - we make sure you are comfortable and cared for!

Ready to finally get some relief from the prenatal aches and pains? We are here to support you!