Pediatric Acupuncture: How Acupuncture Can Help

Pediatric Acupuncture: How Acupuncture Can Help and What to Expect During a Treatment.

At Same Stars Wellness, we understand that children's health and well-being are paramount to every family. Pediatric acupuncture is a gentle and effective modality tailored to address a wide range of concerns for children of all ages. 

Dr. Robin love treating kiddos of all ages. Here are just a few of the conditions acupuncture can help treat:

1. Allergies and Asthma: Pediatric acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms associated with allergies and asthma by reducing inflammation and improving respiratory function.

2. Anxiety and Stress: Children today face various stressors, from academic pressures to social challenges. Acupuncture promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and supports emotional well-being.

3. Digestive Issues: From constipation to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pediatric acupuncture can regulate digestive function, ease discomfort, and promote overall gut health.

4. Pain Management: Whether it's due to sports injuries, growing pains, or chronic conditions, acupuncture offers a natural approach to pain relief without relying solely on medication.

5. Sleep Disorders: Many children struggle with sleep issues, including insomnia and restless sleep. Acupuncture can regulate sleep patterns and improve overall sleep quality.

6. ADHD and Behavioral Disorders: Acupuncture complements traditional therapies for ADHD and behavioral disorders by promoting focus, calming hyperactivity, and enhancing cognitive function.

7. Immune Support: Strengthening the immune system is crucial for children's overall health. Acupuncture can enhance immune function, reducing the frequency and severity of illnesses.

8. Skin Conditions: Pediatric acupuncture can effectively address skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis by balancing the body's internal systems and reducing inflammation.

What to Expect During Pediatric Acupuncture Sessions:

Initial Assessment: Doctor Robin completes a thorough intake in order to understand your child's medical history, current concerns, and treatment goals.

Treatment Sessions: Acupuncture sessions are tailored to your child's unique needs and comfort level. Fine needles are gently inserted into specific acupuncture points to stimulate the body's natural healing response. If your child has a huge phobia of needles, she can do acupressure instead. She does find most children agree to have one needle and once they have tried it, their fear is much less.

Child-Friendly Environment: We create a welcoming and child-friendly environment to ensure your child feels safe and comfortable during each session. We have distractions, sensory rooms, weighted stuffed animals and will play any music your child enjoys in order to create an environment where the child is more comfortable.

Results and Follow-Up: Depending on the condition being treated, improvements may be noticed after just a few sessions. 

Pediatric acupuncture offers a gentle approach to promoting your child's health and well-being. If you're seeking natural alternatives or complementary therapies for your child's health concerns, consider exploring the benefits of pediatric acupuncture at Same Stars Wellness. If you have any questions regarding whether or not acupuncture can help your child, give us a call at 403-452-6783 or email us at


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