FAQ: The Safe & Sound Method, Occupational Therapy at Same Stars Wellness!

Have you been relating to our blogs and posts about dysregulation, self-regulation, meltdowns and attention issues with your kids?

Have you been looking for a solution to the battles you seem to constantly be having with your child? To get out the door? To get to bed? To do their homework?

Have you been wondering what Occupational Therapy is? And how occupational therapy can help your child?

We’ve got the answers for you! Here’s the most asked questions about our Safe and Sound Program, offered by our OT extraordinaire Trish Williams!

Occupational Therapy, The Safe and Sound Method

Q: What does the program consist of?

A: First up is an assessment, with both you and your child! Next, the program features direct sound therapy for your child, which they can practice at home while doing their favourite activities! It’s easy peasy, no need to come for a ton of appointments and no struggling with your child to get them to do their therapy! Weekly check ins with yourself, the parent also help facilitate long lasting results from the sound therapy!

Q: How many appointments are included?

A: 12 in total! The first appointment is IN CLINIC with yourself and your child, with follow ups being offered either in clinic or by Zoom. Your final appointment will also take place in the clinic - so our OT can reassess and send you off into polyvagal bliss with the tools to keep up the awesomeness!

Q: Does my child need a “diagnosis”?

A: Absolutely NOT! This program is for any child who struggles to maintain calm, attention or regulate their emotions. We noticed that a huge number of kids are having a tough time these days keeping their cool and finishing tasks - and we are here to help!

Q: What if my child has a diagnosis?

A: Totally cool! The Safe and Sound program has been shown to assist those with ASD, ADHD and many other conditions! Send us an email at info@samestarswellness.com and let’s chat!

Q: Is this program covered by benefits?

A: Great question! And it may just be! Lot’s of Health Benefit companies are now covering Occupational Therapy! Check with your plan - you may have more coverage than you think!

Q: Can you direct bill for the program?

A: Unfortunately not! The program is pay up front, and then we will send you a receipt for each appointment, which you can submit to your health plan for reimbursement!

Q: What kind of “issues” does the program help with?

A: ALL THE THINGS! From hyperactive, inattentive kids, to the studious child who is having trouble with anxiety - the Safe and Sound Program is here to help set you and your child up for longterm success! Believe us, the entire team wishes it was around when we were in school!

Q: What is the cost of the program?

A: We are committed to making this specialised program accessible for everyone, and offer the entire 12 treatment package for a flat rate of $2000.00. Payment is made at the time of securing your child’s spot, and we will provide you with a detailed receipt after each treatment so you can be reimbursed by your benefit company!

Q: What experience does your OT have?

A: She is NOT your average OT! Trish has over 30 years of direct treatment experience, and has been a professor at two OT grad programs - your family is under the guidance of the BEST of the best! We truly couldn’t believe it when she said she wanted to join our team!

At Same Stars Wellness, we're committed to helping your child thrive by addressing dysregulation and fostering a sense of well-being. Our occupational therapist will guide your child through the Safe and Sound Protocol, providing the tools needed to unlock their full potential…

Q: Ok, I’m sold. I’m ready to make some massive, positive changes - how do I book?

A: Let’s DO THIS! Call our clinic today and ask to speak to one of our OT Program leads to start the journey to peace, ease and fun today!

P: 403-452-6783


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Unlocking the Power of Polyvagal Training and the Safe and Sound Protocol for Children Who Struggle With Self Regulation at Same Stars Wellness